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Combined Heat and Power

The Benefits of Combined Heat and Power Systems

Posted by Mark Thompson on Sep 3, 2015 9:50:11 AM

benefits of combined heat and power systems
Typically, describing the benefits of combined heat and power (CHP) systems are concentrated around the total energy efficiency improvements associated with utilizing the waste heat from on-site electricity generation. Perhaps the most logical explanation for this is stems from how maximizing energy efficiency by extracting more value from each Btu of energy is directly conducive to lowering energy costs. There are however, additional benefits of combined heat power systems that are worth noting.
Perhaps the biggest additional benefit of combined heat power systems is the reduction in emissions that are associated with combined heat power installations.  After all, there is good reason as to why the EPA is a staunch proponent of combined heat power systems and they have developed tools to allow consumers to project the estimated emissions savings associated with various CHP systems.
By developing a free and easy to use emissions calculator for CHP systems, the EPA has done an excellent job of providing building specific emission reduction information for industrial and commercial facility operators. 
For example, if a facility in Florida where to install a 65 KW Micro Turbine CHP system and an absorption chiller to replace a traditional rooftop HVAC unit with a COP of 2.8, the projected emission reductions would be a 70 tons of CO2 per year. This projected reduction in emissions developed by the EPA CHP emissions calculator assumes an operational rate of 2,085 hours per year and a CHP electricity generation total of 135 MWh/Year. Additionally, this example of emission reductions associated with CHP also projected significant reductions in other greenhouse gas emissions beyond CO2 reductions as well (83% less NOx, 100% less SO2, 92% less N2O).
Using the EPA’s CHP emissions calculator to measure the emission reductions associated with CHP systems give facility managers and building operators more information when making energy decisions. As more and more businesses, organizations and facility managers look to increase their bottom line, they are also looking to simultaneously boost their sustainability efforts. This tool developed by the EPA affords such individuals the opportunity to incorporate environmental benefits associated with CHP systems. 
Click here to determine how your facility would save and reduce their emissions by switching to CHP. 

Topics: Energy Conservation, New Technology, Commercial, Industrial, Combined Heat and Power

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